Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Are Our Methods of Treatment?

    We practice Functional neurology. As chiropractors, specializing in Applied Kinesiology, we are able to combine mainstream treatment methods with alternative forms, which enables us to determine the source of our patient's condition at a much faster rate. Our diagnostic and corrective techniques involve chiropractic, muscle balancing, acupressure, nutritional support, cranio-sacral technique, as well as neurovascular and neurolymphatic therapy. Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis. AK, a non-invasive system of evaluating body function that is unique in the healing arts, has become a dynamic movement in health care.

  • Why Us?

    Drs. Kelli Datres and Kevin McCarthy are very passionate about helping people achieve optimal wellness. We enjoy being a part of a wellness team for our patients. Having said that, our passion for learning has allowed us to collect several degrees and may save you the hassle of scheduling multiple appointments to see different professionals. Including us in your health care team can be a great resource in taking control of your own well-being.

    Reactive health care can be life-saving, but prevention should always be our focus.

  • What is Applied Kinesiology?

    Functional Neurology. Chiropractic is based on the understanding and manipulation of an individual’s neurology. Applied Kinesiology is used in the diagnostic and treatment phase to help accurately and efficiently correct the source of their pain.

    Functional assessment measures are used in posture, gait analysis, manual muscle testing, range of motion, static palpation and motion analysis. These measures used along with standard methods of clinical history, physical exam findings, and orthopedic testing help to develop a clinical impression of the unique physiological condition of each patient. All of these measures are used to make an impression of the patient’s functional physiological status. This can then be used as a guide to the application of conservative therapies.

  • What is Muscle Testing?

    Muscle testing is used as a primary feedback mechanism to examine how a patient’s body is functioning. When properly applied, the outcome will determine the best form of therapy for the patient.

    When a muscle tests weak, the doctor must then determine why it is not functioning properly. The therapy that will best eliminate the weakness and help the patient is then performed by the doctor.

  • What Are Our Therapeutic Goals?
      1. Reduce pain
      2. To restore a patient’s postural balance, correct gait impairment, and improve range of motion.
      3. To restore proper neurological control and/or organization of body function.
      4. To achieve homeostasis of endocrine, immune, digestive, and other visceral functions.
      5. To intervene earlier in degenerative processes to prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease.

      Ultimately, to work with our patients, to help prevent premature biological aging by working to maintain their functional capabilities, and reduce the cumulative effects of day-to-day stresses on their bodies.

    1. Does Insurance Cover Your Visit?

      Coverage depends on your personal insurance plan. You may be reimbursed for our services to the extent that your policy covers chiropractic care. We do not participate with any insurance plans, other than First Priority Life (Northeastern Blue Shield) and Highmark BCBS. Therefore, if you do not have First Priority Life or Highmark BCBS, we would be considered a non-participating provider or “out-of-network” with your carrier.

      You are responsible for paying your fee/copay at the time of your appointment. As of June 1, 2015, we will no longer submit claims as a courtesy for our patients. Only patients with First Priority Life, Highmark BCBS, and Medicare insurance coverage will be submitted through our office. However, patients may request receipts to submit health-related information to their insurance company on their own if needed.

    2. What Are Our Fees?

      *Fees are subject to change

      First Priority or Highmark BCBS Insured: “Specialty Copay” for all your visits. Depending on your deductible on your health insurance plan, you may be billed separately

      First visit: $115

      Follow-ups: $65

      Children under 18 of adult patients- First visit: $65

      Follow-ups for children 5-17 of adult patients: $45

      Children under 5 of adult patients: FREE

      Medicare Exam First Visit: $65

      Medicare Follow-ups: $41

      Re-evaluation of Medicare (+6 months since last visit): $65

      Re-evaluation (+6 months since last visit): $85

      Over one year since last visit: $115

      Initial Nutritional Consult (Symptom Survey, Zyto, System Strength Analysis, Whole food protocol): $120

      Nutritional monthly follow up: $65

      Whole Foods Zyto Scan: $45

      Kinesiotaping: $10-$35

      Footbath Detox: $40

      Cold Laser Therapy: $25

      Toxic Load Analysis Test (Testing for heavy metals, chemicals, parasites, fungal, bacteria, food allergies, hormones) $65

    3. Who Do We Treat?

      We treat people, not symptoms!

      There are plenty of conditions that we could list here to catch your attention, but the truth of that matter is that any condition that the body develops, given the right circumstances and enough time, can be reversed or at least controlled. The body wants to be healthy, and so it is our job to work with our patients to find the source of whatever it is that is preventing them from enjoying life at the moment, and work with them to reverse the process. Life is too short not to enjoy it. Become proactive in your health.

      We treat people of all ages so don’t be shy! We treat infants all the way up to people in their 90′s.

    4. What Are Common Conditions You Can Help To Treat?
      • Allergies & Asthma
      • Acid Reflux
      • Ankle Pain
      • Back Pain
      • Bursitis
      • Constipation
      • Digestive Complaints
      • Elbow Pain
      • Foot & Ankle Pain
      • Headaches & Migraines
      • Hiatal Hernia
      • Hip Pain
      • Hormonal Disturbances
      • Knee Pain
      • Neck Pain
      • Nutritional Deficiencies
      • Sciatica
      • Shoulder Pain
      • Sprains/Strains
      • TMJ
      • Weight Concerns